Adoption Story of a sweet baby boyThe adoption story of our little Mason began when Michael and I were at the dawn of our married life. Because of a diagnoses of Type 1 Diabetes before we were married, Michael and I knew that it would put me at great risk to carry a child for nine months. We began to prayerfully consider adoption. It was through our study of God’s own adoption of us into His forever family that we embraced the thought of it with joy and anticipation.

It was at that point that we decided not only to trust in the Lord but to apply the necessary God-given means of accomplishing our goal. We attended the adoption seminar, a non-profit adoption agency birthed in our own congregation through the deep convictions of Gwyn Picerne. We learned so much from the seminar about the process as well as the great need for adoption. When it was over, Michael and I knew that we should press forward in our pursuit of adoption. It was amazing how God broadened our hearts and minds in the matter, and we grew to love an unknown child before we ever saw his face.

Of course it wasn’t all so spiritual. There was paperwork, waiting and more waiting which produced moments of anxiousness that seemed to stand still for lengths of time. As I look back on it, we were spurred on by these perceived difficulties to greater prayer and faith in our dear Savior’s intentions for us. If it was not to be, then we learned to rest in that; and if it was to be, we would give God the glory for His kindness and mercy.

“I wanted that baby in the worse way. But the Lord, knowing my impatience, gave me a resting peace to abide in His purposes.”

A day I will never forget was soon to be our lot. It would be impossible for me to put into words the exhilaration we experienced when we got the call to meet our first birth mother. When we finally met the birth mother in an office, we were aware that she had already met another couple. Oh, ye of little faith, because our doubts flooded out our hope and we were certain that she would pick the other couple over us. However, as we spoke with her, it was as though we both fell in love with the child she was carrying. When we arrived home that evening, we petitioned the Lord that He would give us a peace about the matter and help us to rest in His will. It was extremely difficult, I might add, to pray, “Not my will, but thine be done”, because frankly, I wanted that baby in the worse way. But the Lord, knowing my impatience, gave me a resting peace to abide in His purposes.

The next day, HALLELUJAH! We received the call of a lifetime. “Rachel”, she said, “the mother picked you.’ At first, I thought it was a dream but she repeated it again, I began to weep as though all the tears of a lifetime were unleashed from my heart. I rejoiced with thanksgiving to the Lord because I know He alone moves the heart.

Finally, the day had come for little Mason to be born, January 10, 2008. When we heard the chimes in the hospital play the Brahm’s Lullaby, we knew he had finally arrived. We cried, we rejoiced and cried some more as we felt the arms of our Savior pouring out His love upon us. When we finally got into the nursery and they handed little Mason to me, I lost it. I could not believe such a miracle was in my own arms. God had answered our pleas and our hearts desire with such abundance that we could barely contain ourselves.

The next six months, before the adoption was legally finalized and Mason became officially Mason Donald Mergener, we fell more in love with our baby boy. We cannot imagine life without him; he is such a joy and so loved by all of our family. Michael and I have vowed to love him, care for him, and provide him a home that is filled with the love of Christ. It is our grand hope that he will find grace in the eyes of the Lord and one-day join us eternally in the heavens.

We are so grateful for supportive parents, family, and friends, especially at Riverbend Community Church for their strong encouragement, fervent prayer and tender love and joy shared with us in this, our great joy. We are also eternally grateful for the wonderful experience we had with, the staff members who carried us so tenderly through this amazing process. Most of all, we give God the glory for His immutable love and abounding mercies.

May our Savior abide in the heart and on the lips of our dear Mason, until his allotted sojourn on earth is finished and he takes his abode in the bosom of his dear Savior.